This manual summarizes policies and administrative procedures for Classified Staff employees of the University of Arizona. It shall hereafter be referred to as "the Manual." It applies specifically to Classified Staff employees. Throughout the Manual, any reference to the University of Arizona incorporates the Arizona Board of Regents, which is the constitutional body responsible for directing all University of Arizona affairs.
In order to ensure that policy interpretations are consistent, the Vice President & Chief Human Resources Officer or designee is solely responsible for interpreting personnel policy application and intent. The Vice President & Chief Human Resources Officer's interpretations shall be applicable to all pertinent situations. All references to "Vice President & Chief Human Resources Officer" or "responsible administrator" shall include that person's designee.
Nothing in this Manual is intended to create a contract, either expressed or implied, between the University of Arizona and its employees for either employment or any benefit. All policies herein are subject to the continuing approval of the University and the Arizona Board of Regents.
The Manual shall apply to all pertinent situations from the time of its adoption. The University may alter, eliminate, or add to any of the provisions of the Manual at any time and for any reason, and such alterations, eliminations, or additions shall apply to all pertinent situations from the time of their inception.
1. Employment Policies
101.0 Sexual Harassment - Repealed; policy merged into Nondiscrimination & Anti-Harassment Policy
103.0 Recruitment and Employment of Classified Staff
103.1 Pre-Employment Screening Policy
106.0 Employment Eligibility and Verification
107.0 Selective Service Registration
110.0 Employment Testing for Classified Staff
111.0 Licensing/Certification Requirements
114.0 Employee Information: Provision of Name, Address, Highest Degree
115.0 Employment Reference/Verification
115.1 Access to and Release of Personnel Records and Information
117.0 Noncompetitive Selection
123.0 Repealed
124.0 Death and Injury Reports
125.0 Equipment and Supplies: Purchases, Inventory, Surplus, Disposal, Loss Reports
126.0 Sales Solicitations (On-Campus) Unrelated to University Business
2. Benefits Policies
201.0 Sick Time - Replaced with unified sick time policy for all employees
201.1 Compassionate Transfer of Leave
Administrative Absences
208.2 Jury Duty and Material Witness Leave
208.3 University-Designated Emergency Leave
212.0 Personal Leave of Absence
215.0 Workers' Compensation/Job-Related Injuries or Illnesses
217.0 Qualified Tuition Reduction
218.0 Federal Family and Medical Leave
219.0 Temporary Alternative Duty Assignment
222.0 Group Insurance and Benefit Programs
223.0 Leave for the Purpose of Bone Marrow or Organ Donation
3. Compensation Policies
300.0 Compensation and Classification System
304.0 Requests for Position Reclassification
305.0 Reclassification Studies
306.0 Pay Rates-Hire, Promotion, Reclassification, Regrade
310.0 Repealed. Refer to the Employee Resources - Payroll website for more information on paydays and paychecks.
311.0 Fair Labor Standards Act and Overtime
315.0 Assignment to Special Duty
316.0 Supplemental Compensation
317.0 Repealed
318.0 In-Classification Career Progression
319.0 On-Call (Standby) Status and Call-Back Status
4. Employee Relations Policies
400.0 Employee Rights/Management Rights
401.0 Classified Staff Rules of Conduct
404.0 Predischarge/Suspension without Pay Meeting
405.0 Layoff/Reduction in Force
406.0 Staff Dispute Resolution (Grievance) Procedure
407.0 Retired
410.0 Repealed
411.0 University Employment and Non-University Employment Relationships
412.0 Political Activity and Lobbying Policy
413.0 Conflicts of Interest & Commitment Policy
414.0 Repealed
415.0 Collections and Garnishments
415.1 Non-Solicitation Regarding University Assets
416.0 Access to/Release of Employee Information
418.0 Approved Use of University Computing and Communication Equipment
419.0 Acceptable Use of Computers and Networks
420.0 Misuse of University Assets
421.0 Visitors in the Workplace
422.0 Criminal Offense Convictions Policy
423.0 Ineligibility for Reemployment or Professional Affiliation
424.0 Interactions with Non-Enrolled Minors