Misuse of University Assets Policy

Effective Date:
March 29, 2004
Last Revised Date:
August, 2022
Applies To:
Classified Staff, Appointed Personnel, University Staff, Students
Responsible Units:
Classified Staff Human Resources Policy Manual 420.0
University Handbook for Appointed Personnel 2.07.06
Student Employment Manual 111.0

Purpose and Summary

The University of Arizona (University) considers Misuse of assets a serious matter. This Policy defines and delineates responsibilities relating to the Misuse of University Assets and establishes protocols for reporting and handling of incidents involving alleged or actual Misuse of University Assets.

This Policy facilitates and supports the development of controls that aid in the detection and prevention of Misuse of University Assets. Theft, carelessness, and waste have a direct impact on the University community. It is the intent of the University to protect University Assets, ensure their efficient and proper use, and promote consistent organizational behavior by providing guidelines for the development of controls and conduct of investigations.

The Office of the Senior Vice President for Business Affairs and Chief Financial Officer (“Business Affairs Office”) has the overall responsibility for matters concerning known or suspected Misuse of University Assets, including receiving and responding to reports of Misuse.


This Policy applies to all members of the University community and all occurrences of Misuse, including those involving employees, students, designated campus colleagues (DCCs), vendors, and agents of the University.


Misuse includes:

  • The use of a University Asset that is prohibited under any Arizona Board of Regents (ABOR) policy or University policy, including this Policy;
  • Any use that is illegal or unlawful, including theft, conversion, or fraud;
  • Any reckless or intentional use that results in loss, damage, or financial liability to the University or that impermissibly diminishes the value of University Assets; or
  • Any use, excluding any inconsequential or incidental use, that results in a gift or personal gain to an individual without benefiting the University and furthering the University’s academic mission.

University Assets includes items of tangible or intangible property owned by, leased to, licensed to, or in the possession of the University. University Assets also include items which rightfully should be a University Asset but were diverted due to Misuse. Examples of University Assets include but are not limited to, money, paid employee time, proprietary information, intellectual property (such as patents, trademarks, and copyrights), land, buildings, improvements, equipment, vehicles, software, supplies, tools, inventory, library volumes, art objects, and museum pieces.


  1. University Assets must not be Misused.
  2. The University will review all reports of Misuse and may conduct investigations and take disciplinary or legal actions as appropriate.
  3. All levels of University management are responsible for implementing and maintaining a system of internal controls to prevent and detect Misuse and must be familiar with the risks of Misuse within their area of responsibility.
  4. With respect to financial matters, the University will adhere to all related policies and guidance including the State of Arizona Code of Conduct for Employees Engaged in Accounting, Financial, and Budgeting Activities.
  5. Employees and DCCs must report activities or incidents that appear to be Misuse of University Assets, including Misuse by other employees, students, DCCs, third-party vendors, or agents of the University.  Upon receiving a report, supervisory personnel must consult with a designated representative from the Business Affairs Office to discuss the reported Misuse and determine subsequent action.
  6. Individuals who report of Misuse of University Assets will not be subject to retaliation.
  7. In substantiated cases of Misuse, it is the policy of the University to obtain full restitution, to impose administrative or disciplinary sanctions, and to refer violations of criminal statutes for prosecution.

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