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Procedure for Repealing Existing University Policies

Capitalized terms used but not defined in this procedure have the meaning assigned in the University Policy-Making Policy.

This procedure applies to University Policies (“Policy”), which have broad applications across the University and meet the requirements listed in the University Policy-Making Policy. The President may bypass this procedure by issuing a notice of repeal if the President determines that there is a compelling University interest to do so. Such notice will be posted on the University Policies portal for 30 calendar days.

The policy analyst in University Initiatives & Policy is responsible for ensuring the repealing of Policies adheres to this procedure.

This procedure is not required for:


  1. Identify Need for Repealing a Current University Policy

The Policy Sponsor and Responsible Unit identifies a need to repeal a University Policy.

A “Policy Sponsor” is the administrator or compliance professional who oversees the Unit responsible for the Policy. Policy Sponsors may delegate the steps of this procedure but are ultimately responsible for repealing the Policy.

  1. If a member of the University Community believes a current Policy should be repealed, the individual shall notify the Responsible Unit noted on the Policy to discuss the potential repeal of the Policy, or contact the policy analyst in University Initiatives & Policy with any questions.
  2. Shared governance groups of elected faculty representatives, such as the Faculty Senate and Committee of Eleven, and other shared governance groups, such as the Classified Staff Council, Associated Students of the University of Arizona (ASUA), Graduate and Professional Student Council (GPSC), and University Advisory Council (UAC), play a unique and important role in suggesting potential new policies or potential changes to a current policy. The role of elected faculty representatives is recognized in ARS 15-1601(B).
  3. Policy Sponsors and Responsible Units should engage with elected faculty representatives and shared governance groups to discuss their policy ideas and solicit their feedback.
  1. Prepare the Policy Repeal Impact and Tracking Statement 
    1. The Policy Sponsor must complete the University Policy Repeal and Tracking Statement and submit it to the policy analyst.
    2. The policy analyst brings the University Policy Repeal and Tracking Statement and copy of the Policy to be repealed to the assigned attorney from the Office of the General Counsel (OGC).
  1. Notify Leaders of Shared Governance Groups of Elected Faculty Representatives, Other Shared Governance Groups, and Senior Leaders

Upon approval from the assigned attorney to move forward with the request to repeal the Policy, the Policy Sponsor, in conjunction with the policy analyst, notifies shared governance organizations and senior leaders of the repealed policy to assess whether the repeal is in the best interest of the University. For example, if the Policy is no longer relevant or does not meet the definition of a Policy.

  1. Policy Sponsor Confirms Policy Repeal

The Policy Sponsor and assigned attorney confirms the Policy is to be repealed because it is in the best interest of the University and the policy analyst brings the repealed Policy to the General Counsel (GC).

  1. Obtain Approval

GC brings the Policy to the President and senior leaders for approval to repeal the policy and if the President approves, the Policy is repealed.

  1. Post Policy

Following President approval, the repealed Policy is published in UAnnounce and posted on the University Policies website.

  1. If the President bypasses this procedure by issuing a notice of repeal, the notice will be posted on the University Policies portal for 30 calendar days.


Revised June 2024

Revised: March 2023

Revised: December 2022

Revised: August 2022