CISO: The senior-level University employee with the title of Chief Information Security Officer.
Elevated Access: A level of access that is authorized to perform functions that ordinary Users are not authorized to perform.
Information Owner: The individual(s) or Unit with operational authority for specified University Information and responsibility for establishing the controls for its generation, collection, processing, dissemination, and disposal. This individual or Unit is responsible for making risk tolerance decisions related to such Information on behalf of the University and is responsible for any loss associated with a realized information security risk scenario.
Information Resource Owner: Collective term used to refer to Information Owners and Information System Owners.
Information Resources: University Information and related resources, such as equipment, devices, software, and other information technology.
Information System: A major application or general support system for storing, processing, or transmitting University Information. An Information System may contain multiple subsystems. Subsystems typically fall under the same management authority as the parent Information System. Additionally, an Information System and its constituent subsystems generally have the same function or mission objective, essentially the same operating characteristics, the same security needs, and reside in the same general operating environment.
Information System Owner: The individual(s) or Unit responsible for the overall procurement, development, integration, modification, and operation and maintenance of an Information System. This individual or Unit is responsible for making risk tolerance decisions related to such Information Systems on behalf of the University and is organizationally responsible for the loss, limited by the bounds of the Information System, associated with a realized information security risk scenario.
ISO: The University Information Security Office, responsible for coordinating the development and dissemination of information security policies, standards, and guidelines for the University.
System Administrator: A User with a level of access above that of a normal User, or with supervisory responsibility for Information Systems and Information Resources. Examples of System Administrators include, but are not limited to, a Database Administrator, a Network Administrator, a Central Administrator, a superuser, or any other privileged User.
Unit: A college, department, school, program, research center, business service center, or other operating Unit of the University.
University Information: Any communication or representation of knowledge, such as facts, data, or opinions, recorded in any medium or form, including textual, numerical, graphic, cartographic, narrative, or audiovisual, owned or controlled by or on behalf of the University.
University-Related Persons: University students and applicants for admission, University employees and applicants for employment, Designated Campus Colleagues (DCCs), alumni, retirees, temporary employees of agencies who are assigned to work for the University, and third-party contractors engaged by the University and their agents and employees.
User: Individual or group that interacts with a system or benefits from a system during its utilization.