Course Syllabus Policy: Undergraduate (with Template)

Policy Number:
Effective Date:
January 25, 2016
Last Revised Date:
August, 2023
Applies To:
Appointed Personnel
Responsible Units:


The distribution of a course information sheet or syllabus is required for all University undergraduate courses.¹ The syllabus is a statement of intent and schedule of topics/activities that serves as an implicit agreement between the instructor and students. It must be distributed (either as a hard copy or online) during the first week of classes, and an electronic copy, available to students, must be retained by the department office. By policy, the following information must be provided:

Required ItemExplanation
1. Instructor(s) and contact informationList names (including GTAs), office/room numbers, telephone numbers, and e-mail addresses.
2. Instructor's availability

In-person courses: give office hours or explain the “open-door” policy.

Online courses: clarify the instructor’s response time to questions (e.g., 24 hours).

3. Course objectives List what the instructor plans to cover in the course; the objectives should align with the Course Catalog description.
4. Expected learning outcomesList what the student should learn or be able to do upon completing the course. Learning outcomes should be stated in measurable terms and should be aligned with the learning outcomes for the program (e.g., Major, Minor, General Education).
5. Absence and class participation policies

In-person courses: State the class absence policies, as well as University policies for the following kinds of excused absences:

  • Absences for any sincerely held religious belief, observance, or practice will be accommodated where reasonable. Refer to the Religious Accommodation Policy.
  • Absences pre-approved by the University Dean of Students (or dean’s designee) will be honored.

Online courses: State the class participation policies—what constitutes participation and how that will be evaluated.

6. Required texts or readingsList both required and recommended texts and readings, and where to locate those readings.
7. Required or special materialsList special tools or supplies that are needed (e.g., zip disks, drafting tools).
8. Required examinations and papersSpecify the number of quizzes, examinations, and papers.
9. Required extracurricular activitiesExplain field trips, service-learning activities, etc., with the expected time commitment.
10. Final examination or projectIdentify the date and time of the final exam (or project due date), with a link to the Final Exam Regulations and Schedule.
11. Grading scale and grade policiesSpecify in detail the methods of evaluation, how those methods factor into the final grade, and the scale used to determine final grades. State how late assignments and extra credit opportunities, if any, will be handled.
12. Classroom behavior policyPresent policies to foster a positive learning environment, including use of cell phones, mobile devices, etc.
13. Threatening behavior policyState the University Threatening Behavior by Students Policy, which prohibits threats of physical harm to any member of the University community.
14. Academic Integrity policyState the Student Code of Academic Integrity that prohibits plagiarism.
15. Nondiscrimination and Anti-harassment policyState the Nondiscrimination and Anti-Harassment Policy on prohibited behaviors. 
16. Accommodations for students with disabilitiesInclude the Disability Syllabus Statement provided by the Disability Resources Center.
17. Schedule of topics and activitiesPresent the weekly/daily schedule, including assignment due dates and exam dates.
18. Subject to change statementInclude a statement indicating that the information contained in the course syllabus, other than the grade and absence policies, may be subject to change with reasonable advance notice, as deemed appropriate by the instructor.
Sample Syllabus TemplatesSee below Related Information for the Undergraduate Course Syllabus Templates and other helpful links.

​For co-convened 400/500-level classes, the instructor may use a single syllabus for the jointly convened class or separate syllabi for the graduate and undergraduate offerings. If a single syllabus is used, it must meet the requirements of both the Undergraduate and Graduate Syllabus Policies and must clearly distinguish between graduate and undergraduate requirements and workload expectations.

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Please Note: Policy feedback is available to the Policy Office, Policy Sponsor, and elected shared governance representatives, upon request, for policies impacting the populations they represent.

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