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Consulting or Other Outside Employment

Policy Information

PDF version
Last Revised Date: 
March, 2016
Policy Number: 
UHAP 2.06.06
Responsible Unit: 
Faculty Affairs


This policy applies to all full-time employees.


Personnel on full-time appointment are compensated for full-time employment. Outside or dual employment that in any way interferes with the performance of an employee's contracted University duties and responsibilities is not permitted. However, the Arizona Board of Regents recognizes the value of certain consulting and other external employment experiences to its personnel, to the University and to the community. Such activities may enhance the professional abilities of the individual and bring credit to both the employee and the University. Therefore, external employment which may render valuable service and provide an important ongoing link between the University and business, industry, professional groups, governmental agencies, or other public or private organizations may be permitted, with the following stipulations:

  1. It does not interfere in any way with the employee's regular work (the benefit to the employee's professional status is one factor determining whether outside employment interferes with or benefits University business);
  2. Prior written approval is obtained from the employee's department head, director, and dean;
  3. The activity is fully consistent with all rules promulgated by the University and ABOR (see Conflicts of Interest & Commitment Policy and ABOR-PM 6-705 regarding outside employment); and
  4. If University facilities are to be used, financial arrangements are made through the department head and dean.

Private consultant groups comprised of University personnel will not be permitted to carry out private research contracts or to render other professional services to outside individuals, corporations, or agencies without approval by the University.

Deans, directors, and department heads are responsible for maintaining written records of the external employment of their personnel. Each college shall formulate appropriate policies and procedures and make them generally known. Directors and other administrative heads shall submit annual written reports of the external employment activities of their personnel to the dean of their college no later than June 1.

The writing of books and production of other creative work are encouraged, but such work should not unduly interfere with assigned duties and responsibilities.

Full-time appointed personnel of the University may not be simultaneously employed as faculty members, professional staff, or administrators at any other postsecondary educational institution. Such employment is regarded as a prima facie conflict of interest. However, brief consultantships and collaborative research which meet the stipulations above may be permitted with other postsecondary institutions.

Revision History*

09/26/2024: Updated Political Activity Policy (Interim) policy name and link.

09/24/2024: Updated link to the request form under Related Information section.

05/25/2022: Non-substantive revisions: updated links in Paragraph 3 of the Policy section and link to the Conflicts of Interest & Commitment Policy.

03/29/2016: Revised.

08/2012: Revised.

* Please note that sections titled Frequently Asked Questions, Sources, Related Information, and Revision History are provided solely for the convenience of users and are not part of the official University policy.

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