Smoking and Tobacco Policy

Policy Number:
Effective Date:
August 25, 2014
Last Revised Date:
February, 2017
Applies To:
Classified Staff, Appointed Personnel, University Staff, Students
Responsible Units:
Classified Staff Human Resources Policy Manual 408.0
University Handbook for Appointed Personnel 2.17
Student Employment Manual 116.0

Purpose and Summary

The purpose of this Policy is to establish the University of Arizona’s (University) commitment to protect the health of University faculty, staff, students, and visitors on its campuses and in its vehicles.


This policy does not apply to personal vehicles.

This Policy applies to students, employees, affiliates, associates, contractors, volunteers, and visitors.

This policy applies to the University of Arizona’s Main Campus in Tucson, University of Arizona Health Sciences Campus in Tucson, the Phoenix Biomedical Campus, and the College of Applied Science and Technology satellite campuses.

This Policy supersedes any other policy of the University on the same subject.


“Electronic Smoking Devices,” for the purposes of this Policy, are devices that simulate smoking through inhalation of vapor or aerosol from the device, including e-cigarettes, e-cigars, e-pipes, or vape pens.


The University is dedicated to providing a healthy environment for those who participate in University activities. In support of this goal, the University prohibits the use of products that contain tobacco or nicotine, which the Food and Drug Administration has identified as an addictive chemical. These products include cigarettes, cigars, pipes, electronic smoking devices (such as e-cigarettes), bidis, kreteks, hookahs, water pipes, and all forms of smokeless tobacco. Littering campus with remains of tobacco or smoking-related products also is prohibited.


Smoking Cessation Products. Smoking cessation products, such as nicotine patches, nasal sprays that contain nicotine, and nicotine gums are permitted. 

Controlled Research. Tobacco use may be permitted for controlled research with prior approval of the administrator responsible for the facility and, in the case of smoking, the University Fire Marshal. Smoke generated from research use or burning of tobacco will be controlled locally in a chemical hood or other exhaust system that provides 100% exhaust to the outside.

Educational Purposes. Tobacco may be used in classroom instruction/experiments. All educational purpose exceptions must be approved in advance by the Provost or the Provost’s designee.

Other Permitted Uses

Smoking and/or tobacco may be permitted for traditional, cultural, or religious uses, provided that such uses have been approved in advance by the Provost or the Provost’s designee.

Compliance and Responsibilities

All University employees, students, visitors, guests, and contractors are required to comply with this policy. Organizers of public events, such as conferences, meetings, public lectures, social events, and cultural events using campus facilities will be mindful of this Policy and encourage compliance.

University students, faculty, and staff who encounter someone who is violating this policy are encouraged to respectfully inform that individual about the policy and encourage compliance.

Concerns regarding violations of the policy should be referred to the appropriate unit for review and action:

  • Students will be referred to the appropriate college student affairs representative for educational resources with an emphasis on cessation.
  • Employees, affiliates, associates, and volunteers will be referred to their respective supervisors for appropriate action.
  • Contractors will be referred to their respective employers and/or Procurement and Contracting Services for appropriate action.
  • Visitors and guests may be required to leave the campus if they fail to conform to the policy.

The success of this policy depends on the entire campus community and its members being willing to hold one another accountable. Whenever possible, concerns about tobacco and nicotine use should be respectfully addressed at the time such concerns arise. Individuals who are considering disciplinary action against an employee or student for violating this policy should consult with Human Resources or Student Affairs.

Policy Feedback

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Please Note: Policy feedback is available to the Policy Office, Policy Sponsor, and elected shared governance representatives, upon request, for policies impacting the populations they represent.

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