Hazing Policy of the University of Arizona

Policy Number:
Effective Date:
October 25, 2001
Applies To:
Responsible Units:

Purpose and Summary

The University of Arizona seeks to promote a safe environment where students may participate in activities and organizations without compromising their health, safety, or welfare. It is therefore the University's policy that hazing is prohibited. The impact of hazing activities can result in irrevocable harm to their victims, victims' families, and the University community.


Prevention of hazing is the responsibility of every member of the University community. Each organization, as well as each individual, must accept the personal obligation to uphold the basic community values of being just, civil, and respectful of the rights of others.


"Hazing" means any intentional, knowing, or reckless act committed by a student, whether individually or in concert with other persons, against another student, and in which both of the following apply:

  1. The act was committed in connection with an initiation into, an affiliation with, or the maintenance of membership in any organization that is affiliated with the University; and
  2. The act contributes to a substantial risk of potential physical injury, mental harm, or degradation; or causes physical injury, mental harm, or personal degradation.

"Organization" means an athletic team, association, order, society, corps, cooperative, club, student organization, fraternity, sorority, or other similar group that is affiliated with the University and whose membership consists primarily of students enrolled at the University. "Organization" includes a local chapter, unit, or other local division consisting primarily of students, regardless of the nature of the membership of the larger public or private organization.

"Student" means any person who is enrolled at the University, any person who has been promoted or accepted for enrollment at the University, or any person who intends to enroll at or be promoted to the University within the next twelve (12) calendar months. A person who meets the definition of a student for purposes of this paragraph shall continue to be defined as a student for purposes of this policy until the person graduates, transfers, is promoted, or withdraws from the University.


  1. Hazing is prohibited.
  2. Any solicitation to engage in hazing is prohibited.
  3. Aiding and abetting another person who is engaged in hazing is prohibited.
  4. It is not a defense to a violation of this policy that the hazing victim consented to or acquiesced in the hazing activity.
  5. All students, faculty, and staff must take reasonable measures within the scope of their individual authority to prevent violations of this policy.
  6. Violations of this policy or interference in an investigation under this policy by students or student organizations are subject to sanctions under the Student Code of Conduct. Any University employee who knowingly permits, authorizes, or condones hazing activity is subject to disciplinary action by the University.
  7. Violations of this policy by students or student organizations can be reported by filing a Student Code of Conduct complaint with the Dean of Students Office.

The Dean of Students Office will investigate the complaint in accordance with the Student Disciplinary Procedures. The Student Disciplinary Procedures shall govern all proceedings involving such a complaint. Sanctions, if appropriate, will be imposed in accordance with the Student Code of Conduct.

Violations of this policy by faculty, staff, and other employees are subject to discipline in accordance with the Arizona Board of Regents and University policies and procedures governing employee misconduct. Violations by faculty, staff, or other employees can be reported in writing to the Provost for referral to and investigation by the appropriate administrator(s) or supervisor(s).

Any violation involving a crime, an emergency, or an imminent threat to the health or safety of any person should be reported immediately by dialing 9-1-1 to reach local law enforcement officials.

  1. The University will report to law enforcement any complaint of hazing involving criminal conduct that creates a substantial risk to the health or safety of any person in the University community. Such reporting shall include, but not be limited to, criminal homicide, sex offenses, robbery, aggravated assault, burglary, motor vehicle theft, arson, liquor law violations, drug law violations, and illegal weapons possession.
  2. This policy is not intended to prohibit or sanction the following conduct:
    1. Customary public athletic events, contests, or competitions that are sponsored by the University; or
    2. Any activity or conduct that furthers the goals of a legitimate educational curriculum, a legitimate extracurricular program, or a legitimate military training program.

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