Effective Date: |
September 01, 1988
Last Revised Date: |
January, 2020
Applies To: |
Classified Staff, Appointed Personnel, University Staff
Responsible Units: | |
Status: |
Reference: |
Classified Staff Human Resources Policy Manual 208.2
University Handbook for Appointed Personnel 8.04.08
University Staff Manual 3-106
Jury duty and material witness service leave is available to all employees whose position is designated as full benefits eligible.
Employees who are called to serve on a jury or as a subpoenaed witness in a judicial or administrative proceeding will be granted jury duty/material witness leave with pay. Employees are not eligible for paid jury duty/material witness leave if they are called to appear in court as a plaintiff or defendant, or as a party with regard to a personal matter. Instead, they may use accrued vacation or request time off without pay.
Fees Earned
Employees may not earn more than their regular compensation during their absence from work. If employees receive a fee for jury duty or as a subpoenaed witness they must either (1) remit the jury/witness fee to the University through their unit business manager and record their time absent as jury duty, or (2) accept the fee and record the jury duty/witness hours as excused unpaid absence. Reimbursements for travel expenses may be retained.
Compliance and Responsibilities
Employee Responsibility
Employees should inform their supervisor immediately when they receive notice that they are scheduled for such service. They must keep their supervisor apprised of the anticipated length of service and return to work promptly when the service is completed. If employees can reasonably meet some or all of their regular work schedule, they are expected to do so.
Revision History
12/01/2023: Updated responsible unit email address.
03/01/2023: Replaced Division of Human Resources with Human Resources.
09/14/2022: Updated the time reporting code under the Fees Earned section.
01/23/2020: Separated from Administrative Leaves.