Public Art Policy

Policy Number:
Effective Date:
April 10, 1996
Last Revised Date:
March, 2005
Responsible Units:

Purpose and Summary

Arizona Board of Regents (ABOR) policy 7-102(F) allows the universities, at their discretion, to allocate funding for Public Art in the budgets of capital facilities projects. The policy has two primary provisions: it sets a limit on the amount of funds that can be allocated to public art—above which ABOR approval must be sought—and it establishes general guidelines as to how the funds may be spent. ABOR has delegated to the universities the authority to decide which facilities will be allocated public art budgets and to create procedures for administering these funds. This policy establishes how the University of Arizona implements ABOR policy 7-102(F) through creation of a Public Art Funding Pool.


Recognizing that there are unique attributes in each capital project, The University of Arizona has adopted the following rules to determine which projects contribute to the public art funding pool:

  1. The budgets for all new facilities on a Campus of the University, including the health sciences facilities in Tucson and Phoenix and the University of Arizona South Campus in Sierra Vista, will allocate one-half of one percent of the budgeted total Construction Cost to the Public Art line for contribution to the Public Art fund pool, except as noted in item 3 below.
  2. The budgets for all off-campus projects, all projects for finishing shell space, and all minor facility additions ($4,000,000 or less in total project cost) will allocate one-quarter of one percent of their budgeted total Construction Cost to the Public Art line for contribution to the Public Art fund pool, except as noted in item 3 below.
  3. There will be no funds allocated for Public Art in the case of projects that are warehouse, utility, garage (vehicle repair facilities), motor pool and other industrial or non-public facilities, or projects whose funding source(s) prohibit or otherwise preclude their use for Public Art.


Public Art Funding Pool

The Public Art funds accumulated from projects as described in "Scope," above, will be pooled into a single Public Art account for the following purposes as deemed appropriate by the Public Art Committee and in accordance with the University Procurement Code and rules promulgated by the Public Art Advisory Committee (PAAC):

  1. Purchasing Public Art or commissioning Public Art works for University buildings and open spaces
  2. Maintaining and repairing existing University Public Art
  3. Administration and facilitation of the Public Art program, including expenses associated with staff support (Public Art Program Coordinator/Curator of Public Art), selection of Artists, expenses incurred by the PAAC in fulfillment of its charge, development and maintenance of an archival record, related expenses (publicity, outreach, education), and costs associated with gifts of public art to the University (crating, shipping, installation, etc.)

The Chair of the PAAC will administer the Public Art Funding Pool.

Selection of Artists

The University of Arizona Public Art Advisory Committee (PAAC)

The University PAAC is responsible for the administration and selection processes relative to acquisition of Public Art and the other purposes defined as appropriate by the Public Art Committee for the Public Art Funding Pool. The PAAC is to ensure that selection processes relative to procurements from this pool are competitive and consistent with ABOR policy. As the installation of Art affects the physical plant and environment of the campus, the PAAC recommendations are to be made to the Senior Vice President for Business Affairs. The PAAC shall also review any and all other proposals for public art procurement, donation, or loan to the campus (no matter through which entity such proposal is made) to ensure authenticity and a consistent level of quality within the Public Art collection. The PAAC will endeavor to develop a recommendation relative to the proposed public art at its next regularly scheduled meeting.

There are to be ten voting member positions on the Committee, each appointed by the President as follows. A quorum shall be a simple majority.

Chair of the Committee: Director of the University of Arizona Museum of Art. The Chair shall preside over all PAAC meetings and shall administrate the Public Art Funding Pool. The Chair shall bring all proposals for expenditures from the Public Art Funding Pool to the PAAC for approval by vote.

Other PAAC voting members

  • Dean of the College of Architecture and Landscape Architecture (or designee)
  • Dean of College of Fine Arts (or designated faculty member drawn from the College of Fine Arts)
  • Associate Vice President of Planning, Design, & Construction (or designee)
  • Director of the Tucson Pima Arts Council (or designee)
  • Director of AHSC Facilities Group (or designee)
  • Public member drawn from the Tucson community
  • Undergraduate student in a related discipline, who would benefit from membership. A one-year term.*
  • Graduate student in a related discipline, who would benefit from membership. A one-year term.*

*The committee will select undergraduate and graduate student representatives from nominations and applications to the committee The opportunity to serve will be advertised in the Daily Wildcat, through UAnnounce, and through Associated Students of the University of Arizona (ASUA), with the term of service being one academic year.

Selection and Recommendation

Typically, selection will begin with a "Call to Artists" that is published by the PAAC regionally and nationally, requesting photographs or slides of completed works, statement of interest, and a résumé. This process is initiated by PAAC relative to selection of an Artist for a single specific work or for selection of multiple Artists for multiple works over a specified period of time.

At such time as the process narrows to a selection for a single specific work of art, PAAC shall seek to consult with any appropriate user groups, students, faculty, staff, or community members that are deemed by PAAC to have a particular interest in this effort.

The PAAC will review all submittals and generate a short-list of Artists from whom specific design proposals, including budgets, will be requested.

After evaluating all proposals, the PAAC will consult with the appropriate University Facilities staffs as necessary (these may include, but are not limited to, appropriate representatives from Planning, Design and Construction, Facilities Management, Parking and Transportation, Real Estate Administration, and Risk Management and Safety) for the purpose of evaluating (a) public health, safety, and welfare; (b) site location relative to campus planning and space planning needs, and (c) the University’s ability to sustain the construction and maintenance of the proposed Public Art. The PAAC will subsequently submit a recommendation to the Senior Vice President of Business Affairs. The recommendation will specifically include the PAAC's evaluation of the proposed design, the location and budget involved, and any specific concerns raised by the other stakeholders and Facilities staffs. If a proposal is considered unacceptable, the Senior Vice President of Business Affairs may return the recommendation to the PAAC for reconsideration. If any controversy cannot be resolved in this way, the Senior Vice President for Business Affairs will call a meeting of representatives’ from the PAAC and any pertinent Facilities representatives to discuss a final resolution with the President.

Artist's Contract and Production of the Work

Following acceptance of a recommendation for Public Art, a contract will be prepared using one of the contract forms developed by the offices of Procurement and Contracting, Planning, Design and Construction, Office of General Counsel, and the PAAC. These contracts will require certain insurance certificates and will establish a payment schedule and set dates for the fabrication and installation of the work. The Chair of the PAAC or designee will administer these contracts.

Contracting: The PAAC Chair or designee will review contract provisions with the artists and help them to complete the payment schedule, work schedule, description of materials, and related clauses. The proposed contract will be e-mailed to Procurement and Contracting Services to verify procurement code compliance. Two copies of the final contract will be forwarded to the Artist for signature and then returned to Procurement and Contracting Services. The Procurement Officer will sign both copies and return one to the PAAC Chair for committee records, and one to the artist. The PAAC Chair will then prepare a purchase requisition in accordance with procedures promulgated by Procurement and Contracting Services. The artist may then begin the work.

Facilitation of the Artist's Work: The PAAC Chair or designee will assist the Artist throughout the design, fabrication, and installation phases of the work and will serve as the University’s contact for the Artist. If the artwork is to be installed in conjunction with a capital construction project, then the PAAC Chair or designee will consult with the University’s project manager for that design and construction effort to ensure coordination of needs and schedules.

Final Acceptance: Prior to full payment, the PAAC Chair or designee will arrange for a Final Acceptance meeting. This meeting will involve the Artist and the PAAC Chair or designee. Other stakeholders and Facilities staffs may be included by committee chair in the Final Acceptance meeting when prudent. The work will be inspected for full completion and correction of any defects or deficiencies. All requirements of the contract are to be met prior to final payment. Operational and maintenance requirements associated with the artwork will be reviewed (e.g., cleaning, oiling, painting, periodic maintenance, etc.) and agreed to by the PAAC Chair and Artist.

Public Relations: The PAAC Chair may authorize a public announcement and/or unveiling ceremony of the artwork in conformance with University policies.

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