
Policy Number:
Effective Date:
February 01, 1998
Last Revised Date:
July, 2022
Applies To:
Classified Staff, Appointed Personnel, University Staff
Responsible Units:
Classified Staff Human Resources Policy Manual 116.0
University Handbook for Appointed Personnel 2.06.13
University Staff Manual 1-107

Purpose and Summary

All recruitment and employment activities for the University of Arizona are conducted in accordance with applicable University, state, and federal laws, regulations, and policies concerning equal employment opportunity and affirmative action.

The purpose of this policy is to ensure that the University of Arizona will attract and retain the most highly qualified workforce available to us. It is our intention to make known information about employment opportunities at the University to the largest practicable number of persons necessary to ensure compliance with the law, attraction of new employees, and recognition and development of current employees.


This policy is specifically concerned with the recruitment phase of the selection process and addresses the behavior expected from all persons in the University community who have any role in determining specific recruitment activities when an employment opportunity exists.


"Good Faith Effort" means that the University shall take appropriate steps to ensure that persons of an Underutilized group, whether women or minorities or both, as well as all others, have equal access to participate in the selection process.

"Underutilized" is specifically defined by law as having fewer women or minorities in a job group than is reasonably expected based on their availability. The University is then obligated to make a Good Faith Effort to fill vacancies in the job group in that Affirmative Action Plan year at the rate of availability.


Relationship to the Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Policy

It is required by law that the University of Arizona provide equal employment opportunity to all, without regard to race, color, religion, sex (including pregnancy), national origin, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, gender identity, or genetic information. It is further required by law that we take affirmative action in all employment matters to ensure that our policies and practices are, in fact, nondiscriminatory. As a federal contractor this means, among other things, that goals have been established to address any Underutilization of women or of minorities.

When it annually updates its written Affirmative Action Plan for Women and Minorities, the University analyzes the participation of women and minorities in each job group. In accordance with federal requirements, all job titles have been grouped by similarity of wages, content and opportunity, and number of incumbents to ensure there are job groups of sufficient size to permit meaningful analysis. The University then identifies the likely sources of persons—internal, external, or some combination of both—to fill vacancies in each job group. Based on those expected sources, and in accordance with federal regulations, the University estimates the availability of women and minorities for each job group.

If women or minorities are Underutilized in any job group, the University must set a goal for each such job group which is equal to the availability percentage. The University must be able to document that it made Good Faith Efforts to meet any established goals. Specifically, recruitment strategies must be designed to inform potential applicants, especially where Underutilization exists, about opportunities. Further, job prerequisites such as education, experience, job performance, references, etc., must not disproportionately exclude women or minorities unless such requirements are demonstrably job related and significant to successful performance.

Recruitment Procedures

In order for the University to fulfill its EEO obligations, all positions must be posted for a minimum of seven calendar days and a maximum of one year, and must not be moved to a closed status during a weekend or UA-designated holiday. Whenever a department has an opportunity, the department is encouraged to advertise as widely as practicable.

However, if the opportunity occurs in a job group which is Underutilized and for which a goal has been established, the department must document the specific Good Faith Efforts it took to meet the goals. In general, such Good Faith Efforts are expected to include recruitment strategies designed to reach women and/or minorities for which there has been a goal established. Specifically, where Underutilization exists, it is expected that affirmative recruitment sources will be informed, along with all others.

There are certain limited circumstances which can be reasonably anticipated where recruitment is not possible or practicable. These circumstances are fully described in the University Policy for Noncompetitive Selection. A department which must make a selection in accordance with that policy must fully document the reason for the selection in accordance with the requirements of that policy.

There may be other situations, infrequent and not reasonably anticipated, where the University's nondiscrimination policy and the objective of attracting and retaining a highly qualified workforce can be met by means other than recruitment and advertising an opportunity. In such circumstances, if the opportunity exists in a job group for which a goal for either women or minorities has been established, the hiring authority shall document the specific reasons why it has not undertaken affirmative recruitment. The fact that the person selected for the opportunity is a woman or a minority is in itself insufficient reason to justify a decision not to engage in recruitment.

Hiring authorities are advised that minimum posting requirements may be insufficient to attract the most qualified individuals. To fill a position that has Affirmative Action Plan goals due to Underutilization of either women or minorities, consult with Human Resources Recruitment and Outreach Team to identify advertising strategies to attract a wider pool.

Compliance and Responsibilities

Human Resources and hiring authorities in campus departments work together to develop recruitment and selection strategies for job positions. Human Resources is responsible for advising departments about the University’s Recruitment policy in order to ensure compliance. Human Resources is also responsible for ensuring that position announcements comply with established policies and for announcing openings to appropriate community and governmental agencies. Hiring authorities are responsible for the selection of candidates.

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