Each academic professional employee is appointed subject to the responsibilities detailed in ABOR-PM 6-302, Conditions of Service for Academic Professionals. Duties and responsibilities of an academic professional employee will consist of those duties assigned by the President. All duties and responsibilities will be carried out under the direction of the President. Duties and responsibilities will be related to the expertise and competence of the academic professional employee.
Performance of assigned duties by academic professional employees will be subject to evaluation by an appropriate administrator who may consult a peer group in conducting such evaluations. Performance will be considered in decisions relating to compensation, retention, advancement/promotion, termination or a decision not to reappoint.
Academic professional employees will receive a Notice of Appointment or Reappointment, which is the University's official employment contract. Academic professional employees may be offered an appointment for an academic year or for a fiscal year or a portion thereof, or may receive a multiple-year appointment, which may be renewed at the end of the appointment period for another multiple-year appointment or for a one-year academic or fiscal year, or any portion thereof. No multiple-year appointment will become effective until approved by the President. There is no limit on the number of renewals. No oral or written communication made prior to or after the execution of a Notice of Appointment or Notice of Reappointment that is inconsistent or in conflict with this policy will become a part of the conditions of employment.
Appointments that are dependent on continuation of funding from a specific source other than state appropriations will so state in the Notice of Appointment. Such appointments may be reduced in FTE and/or salary or terminated to the extent the nonstate funding is no longer available. Academic professional employees appointed to positions supported by non-state funds may be designated by contract as having other conditions relative to (a) 90 day notice of nonrenewal of appointment and (b) fringe benefits.
4B.1.01 Appointments of Academic Professional Employees
A. Length of Appointments
1. Year-to-Year
Academic professional employees employed under a year-to-year appointment will have no expectation of employment beyond the end of the current appointment period and are not eligible for continuing status. There is no limit to the number of appointment periods to which an academic professional employee who is employed under a year-to-year contract may be appointed. Such appointments may be for a period of less than one year.
2. Multiple-Year
Multiple-year appointments may be for a period longer than one academic or fiscal year but not more than three academic or fiscal years. Individuals on multiple-year appointments will have no expectation of employment beyond the end of the appointment period.
3. Part-Time
The University may permit academic professional employees to hold part-time positions.