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Course Syllabus Policy: Graduate

Policy Contents

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Policy Information

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Effective Date: 
January 25, 2016
Last Revised Date: 
August, 2016
Policy Number: 
Responsible Unit: 
Graduate College - Academic Services


The following elements are minimally required in a syllabus for a Graduate Level class.

  1. The name, title, availability, and contact information of the primary instructor(s) and other members of the instructional team.
  2. A description of the course content, goals, and objectives.
  3. A clear and precise description of the workload expectations and course requirements for the class.
  4. A description of the grading scale and how student work will be evaluated.
  5. A statement of any special policies for this specific class as determined by the instructor (e.g., attendance, participation, limitations on the use of electronic devices, details regarding academic integrity, etc.).
  6. A statement on reasonable accommodations provided by the Disability Resource Center,
  7. A statement that the work and course requirements are subject to change at the discretion of the instructor with proper notice to the students.

The following elements are recommended but not required for a syllabus for a Graduate Level class:

  1. A list or schedule of topics or readings, if appropriate.
  2. A list of links to resources for students
  3. A list of links to University policies and student rights, responsibilities and accommodations.

The syllabus is not limited to these required and recommended components.

See for useful links and information on the best practices on constructing effective syllabi.

Note: In classes that are co-convened with undergraduate classes (400/500-level classes), the instructor may either have a single syllabus for the jointly convened class or separate syllabi for the graduate and undergraduate offerings. If a single syllabus is used, it must meet the requirements of both the Undergraduate and Graduate syllabus policies and must clearly distinguish between graduate and undergraduate requirements and workload expectations.

Effective Term:  Summer and Fall 2016 for all graduate courses

* Please note that sections titled Frequently Asked Questions, Sources, Related Information, and Revision History are provided solely for the convenience of users and are not part of the official University policy.

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