Painting of University Buildings

Policy Number:
Effective Date:
April 08, 2003
Responsible Units:


  1. University building repainting projects will be performed by the Department of Facilities Management as routine maintenance or preventive maintenance.
  2. When outside contractors are authorized to undertake a painting project, the work must be supervised by the Department of Facilities Management's Paint/Sign Shop Supervisor or their designee.
  3. Whenever any University building is to be painted, attention must be paid to the following considerations:
    1. The health and safety of University personnel and the general public;
    2. Coordination with existing paint colors and building color standards;
    3. Compliance with all applicable federal, state, local, and University regulations, codes, standards, policies, and procedures related to paint types, and to Pima County air quality control regulations; and
    4. Proper installation methods and standards so as to minimize future building maintenance costs.
  4. Any unit wishing to have any part of a University building painted first must obtain approval from the Director of Facilities Management before any work is started.

For further information on requesting approval for painting, please contact the Facilities Management Paint Shop Supervisor at (520) 621-7310.

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