Forced Relocations

Policy Number:
Effective Date:
July 01, 1999
Last Revised Date:
December, 2005
Responsible Units:

Purpose and Summary

Space is an institutional resource of the University of Arizona. As such, it does not belong to any individual program or unit and may be reassigned on the basis of need. The goal of allocating space is to achieve the highest and best use of University resources, as determined by the Space Committee. In order to ensure that the resource allocation process is conducted in a reasonable manner, the department requesting the space must secure the finances for all costs associated with a reallocation, including the relocation of any affected personnel.


It is implicit that within a college, under-utilized space can be promptly reassigned by the organizationally designated administrator. When space has been assigned to a college or other administrative unit, the designated administrator has the inherent authority to reallocate the space within that unit, subject to review and approval by the Space Committee, upon request within 30 days.

Space that has been assigned to one administrative unit may be reassigned to another unit. A unit seeking a change in functional use of space in any University-owned or -operated property must make a request to the Space Committee. Requests from academic units should be submitted to the Space Committee via the Provost; all other units should submit their requests to the Space Committee via the Senior Vice President, Chief Operating Officer and Chief Financial Officer.

Compliance and Responsibilities

Identification of funding for forced relocations is the responsibility of the requesting unit.

The Space Committee handles all requests for reallocation of space within or across University units.

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