Alcohol Policy and Regulations

Policy Number:
Effective Date:
April 01, 1991
Last Revised Date:
June, 2016
Applies To:
Classified Staff, Appointed Personnel, University Staff, Students
Responsible Units:
University Handbook for Appointed Personnel 2.02

Purpose and Summary

The University of Arizona recognizes that the use of alcoholic beverages by those of legal age is a matter of personal choice. The University requires that those who choose to drink on University property abide by state law and University regulations, and expects that such individuals will conduct themselves responsibly, mindful of the rights of others.


The following policy and regulations apply to the use, possession, service, or sale of alcoholic beverages on University property. Consumption of alcoholic beverages is permitted on University property only by persons of legal drinking age.


Arizona Revised Statutes Make It Unlawful:

  1. For a person under the age of 21 years to buy, receive, have in possession, or consume spirituous liquor. A.R.S. § 4-241.
  2. For a person to buy for resale, sell, or deal in spirituous liquors in this state without first having procured a license duly issued by the Arizona State Liquor Board. A.R.S. § 4-244(1).
  3. To consume spirituous liquor in a public place, thoroughfare, or gathering as set forth in A.R.S. § 4-244(20).
  4. For any person to serve or to furnish spirituous liquor to an intoxicated or disorderly person, or for any person to allow or to permit an intoxicated or disorderly person to come into or to remain at an event where spirituous liquor is being served or consumed. A.R.S. § 4-244(14).
  5. For a person to operate a motor vehicle on any highway while consuming spirituous liquor. A.R.S.§ 4-244(21).
  6. To conduct drinking contests, or to sell or provide to a person an unlimited number of spirituous liquor beverages during any set period of time for a fixed price or to provide more than two spirituous liquor beverages to one person at one time for that person's consumption as set forth in A.R.S. § 4-244(23).

Authorization for Service or Sale of Alcohol on University Property

  1. Authorization for the service or sale of alcohol on University property shall be by permission of the President, or the President's designee, pursuant to Arizona Board of Regents (ABOR) Policy 5-108(B), whose decision shall be final. The authorization shall be by written agreement containing the parameters of such authorization and appropriate provisions regarding liquor licensing, indemnification, liquor liability insurance, and other insurance/surety requirements as may be required by University Risk Management Services. ABOR Policy 5-108(C).
  2. Pursuant to ABOR Policy 5-108 and Arizona Revised Statutes, the following additional rules shall apply to the authorized service or sale of alcohol on University property:
    1. No service or sale to persons under age 21;
    2. No sale by persons under age 21 and no service by persons under age 21;
    3. No consumption of alcohol by persons selling or serving alcohol;
    4. No service or sale of alcohol to persons who are intoxicated or disorderly, and such persons shall not be allowed to remain on the premises where alcohol is furnished for more than 30 minutes after such condition is known to the person selling or serving alcohol;
    5. Persons under 21 are not allowed in an area where alcohol is sold unless they are an on-duty employee or are accompanied by a spouse, parent, or legal guardian who is of legal drinking age;
    6. Any person who is authorized to serve or sell alcohol and who has reason to question the age of a person ordering alcohol must request a photo identification that proves the individual is over 21;
    7. Any service or sale of alcohol must be by an authorized vendor holding a valid liquor license;
    8. Non-alcoholic beverages and food should be made available at events where alcohol is served or sold; and
    9. Alcohol may only be consumed in approved locations.

Rules Governing Consumption of Alcohol on University Property:

  1. Sanctions/Authority
    1. University Employees, Students, Designated Campus Colleagues, and Visitors: Violations of Arizona state law may be cited under the criminal code. Further, violations of Arizona state law, ABOR Policy regarding alcohol, or these regulations by any student, staff, faculty member or organization shall be grounds for disciplinary action under the Student Code of Conduct and applicable University employee disciplinary policies.
    2. Sanctions may be imposed upon students and organizations for violations of these regulations under the Residence Hall regulations, or the Interfraternity Council, Panhellenic and National Panhellenic judiciary procedures, where appropriate. Sanctions may be imposed by one or more of the appropriate judiciary proceedings.
    3. In cases where alcohol contributes to or exacerbates violation of University rules, students may be required by the Dean of Students to participate in alcohol abuse education or counseling.
  2. General Limitations on Consumption of Alcoholic Beverages: Consumption of alcoholic beverages is permitted on University property only by persons of legal drinking age
    1. Within student living quarters under the specific terms of that living environment; and
    2. Within designated limited-access areas on University property when said areas have been so identified and are used according to an authorization approved by the appropriate University authority.
  3. Consumption by Individuals in Student Living Quarters: The consumption of alcoholic beverages within student living quarters is subject to the terms of Residence Life rules and regulations. Such activities shall not
    1. Interfere with the rights of other residents and their guests; or
    2. cause the normal operation of residence halls to be disrupted.
  4. Consumption at Social Gatherings—Fraternities/Sororities: Fraternity and sorority members are subject to national, state, and local laws; all University policies; and the Greek alcohol policy, including all GAMMA rules and regulations regarding social event planning. Responsibility for the behavior of those in attendance and damages arising from the actions of those in attendance at social events is the individual and collective responsibility of the members of the sponsoring fraternity/sorority and its corporate entity.
  5. Consumption at Certain Limited-Access Areas: The designation of limited-access areas on University property for the consumption of alcoholic beverages provided for in Paragraph 2(b) hereof is the responsibility of the President of the University or the President's designee, who shall establish the procedures and provide the forms necessary for seeking such designations.
  6. University Events: Possession or consumption of alcohol at University-sponsored events held on University property is prohibited except as specified in 2(b).
  7. Use of University Funds Prohibited: University funds may not be used to purchase alcoholic beverages except where reimbursement for legitimate business is involved. In no instance may funds classified as state accounts be used to purchase alcoholic beverages.
  8. Admission Charges/Donation Solicitations Prohibited: At any authorized event where complimentary alcohol is served and not sold, under no circumstances may admission be charged, tickets sold, or donations solicited for the purchase of alcoholic beverages.
  9. Marketing and Promotion Guidelines: Sponsorship, promotion, or other advertising of events by alcoholic beverage corporations and distributors must comply with the University policy on Sponsorship of Events by Alcoholic Beverage Corporations/Distributors. The marketing and promotional guidelines developed by the Inter-Association Task Force (NASPA, ACRA, ACUHO-I, and BACCHUS), available from the Dean of Students Office, shall apply to the relationship between University student, faculty, or staff organizations and any company marketing alcoholic beverages on University property.
  10. Student Organizations: Members of all recognized student organizations, including but not limited to fraternities and sororities shall abide by these regulations as well as state law.

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