Effective Date: |
September 01, 1988
Last Revised Date: |
January, 2020
Applies To: |
Classified Staff, Appointed Personnel, University Staff
Responsible Units: | |
Status: |
University-Designated Emergency leave is available to all employees whose position is designated as full benefits eligible.
Emergency leave is used to excuse employees from reporting to or remaining at work when circumstances restrict productive work or jeopardize employee safety or health. The University president or designee may authorize an emergency leave; additionally a dean or vice president may authorize an emergency administrative absence within their organization as necessary. Emergency leave may be with pay.
Please note that the following sections are provided solely for the convenience of users and are not part of the official University policy.
Revision History
12/01/2023: Updated responsible unit email address.
03/01/2023: Replaced Division of Human Resources with Human Resources.
01/23/2020: Separated from Administrative Leaves.