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Student Conduct

Policy Information

PDF version
Last Revised Date: 
March, 2016
Policy Number: 
UHAP 7.07
Responsible Unit: 
Dean of Students Office


7.07.01 Code of Conduct

The Code of Conduct, ABOR-PM 5-301 to 5-308, applies to students, faculty, staff, administrators, and visitors. The Student Code of Conduct, ABOR-PM 5-308, applies to students. Student violations of the Code of Conduct are handled under procedures delineated by ABOR-PM 5-401 to 5-404, Student Disciplinary Procedures. Questions about the Code of Conduct or Student Disciplinary Procedures should be addressed to the Dean of Students Office.

Information is available online as follows:

The Code of Conduct is also available online as follows:

7.07.02 Student Use of Facilities Outside of Official Hours

The presence of graduate or undergraduate students in a classroom building during hours the building is not officially open is governed by regulations available in deans' offices. Briefly, the general policies are as follows:

  1. Undergraduate students are not permitted in classroom or laboratory areas at times when buildings are closed, except for regularly scheduled class meetings, supervised studio and laboratory work, appointments with faculty members, and approved meetings of student organizations. Under special circumstances, certain undergraduate students may be given permission to be in classroom or laboratory areas when buildings are closed. Such students should possess an appropriately signed statement from the dean of the college in charge of the building concerned, or the head of the department responsible for the activity in which the undergraduate student is involved.
  2. Graduate students may be present at times when buildings are closed provided they possess an appropriately signed statement from either the dean of the college in charge of the building concerned or the head of the department responsible for the activity in which the graduate student is involved.


Revision History*

3/15/2022: Updated Link to ABOR Policy 5-303; revised format to revision history section

3/11/2016: Reference to room privilege card removed


7/2000: Reformatting and information updates


* Please note that sections titled Frequently Asked Questions, Sources, Related Information, and Revision History are provided solely for the convenience of users and are not part of the official University policy.

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