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Role of Appointed Personnel

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Policy Information

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Last Revised Date: 
January, 2000
Policy Number: 
UHAP 1.02
Responsible Unit: 
Faculty Affairs


The appointed personnel of the University of Arizona -- faculty members, professional staff, and administrators -- assume the chief responsibility in the University's pursuit of its objectives. Individually, they are expected to demonstrate excellence in discharging their assigned duties and responsibilities in the fundamental areas of teaching, research and service and in administering the University so as to best achieve its objectives.

Teaching involves the transmission of knowledge from academic and professional disciplines to successive generations of undergraduate and graduate students. Teachers are responsible for accurately presenting the current state of knowledge in their discipline and for ensuring that students develop an understanding of the subject matter as well as the methods employed by the discipline. (See Chapter 7 regarding classroom and student-related policies, procedures and resources.)

Research and scholarship involve the discovery of new knowledge. Researchers are responsible to an academic discipline for the accuracy of their data and for the cogency of the arguments and explanations they offer. The usual outlet for research activities is publication. In certain fields, especially in the fine arts, creative endeavors take the place of the research that would otherwise be expected of faculty members. The emphasis to be placed on research, scholarship or creative endeavor is best determined within each discipline, and judgments about the quality of such efforts are best made by experts in the field.

Overall responsibility for guiding and evaluating performance in these areas rests with the Vice President for Research and the Provost. (See Section 2.13 regarding research-related matters.)

Public service may involve both committee and governance work within the University, service to professional organizations, and professional activities with the public outside of the University. Through public service programs, the appointed personnel, staff and students of the University of Arizona help communities and individuals throughout the State and nation to define problems and develop options for solving them.

An employee's status and job description will determine the extent to which an appointed employee is engaged in or responsible for activity in teaching, research, scholarship or creative endeavors, and public service. In particular, all appointed personnel should familiarize themselves with Chapters 3, 4 and 5, as applicable, and with the Code of Conduct, ABOR-PM 5-301 to 5-308. These provisions detail many of the rights and responsibilities affecting individuals in their relationships with the University. Prospective employees should discuss their specific duties, responsibilities and expectations of them before accepting contracts with the University of Arizona. Once employed, appointed personnel should confer regularly with their superiors about their duties, responsibilities and performance with regard to the University's basic objectives and obligations.

* Please note that sections titled Frequently Asked Questions, Sources, Related Information, and Revision History are provided solely for the convenience of users and are not part of the official University policy.

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