Predischarge or Suspension Without Pay Meeting

Policy Number:
CSM 404.0
Effective Date:
September 01, 1988
Last Revised Date:
April, 2015
Applies To:
Classified Staff
Responsible Units:


Regular Classified Staff employees who have completed their initial probationary period are entitled to a predischarge or suspension without pay meeting prior to a final decision on discharge or suspension without pay.

The purpose of the predischarge/suspension without pay meeting is (1) to provide oral or written notice of the specific grounds and particular facts upon which the proposed action shall be taken, (2) to provide the employee with any written reports or documents upon which the proposed action is based, and (3) to provide the employee with an opportunity to present evidence, including witnesses, refuting the existence of legitimate reasons for the proposed action.


  1. When a recommendation has been made to suspend without pay or discharge a Regular Classified Staff employee, the responsible administrator shall schedule a meeting, advising the employee in writing of the proposed action and the time of the meeting. Written reports or documents upon which the proposed action is based should accompany notice of the meeting whenever this is practical. A copy of this notification shall be sent to Human Resources Consulting Services. The responsible administrator shall conduct the meeting.
  2. Following the meeting, the responsible administrator shall review the recommendation, supporting evidence, and the employee's response or evidence, if any, to ensure that there is sufficient evidence of legitimate reason for the suspension without pay or discharge.
  3. After the review, the responsible administrator shall render a decision. However, prior to its execution, the decision rendered must be reviewed by the Vice President, Chief Human Resources Officer or their designee to ensure appropriate institutional application and compliance with personnel policies, regulations and laws related to classified staff employment. Inconsistencies noted as a result of the review must be resolved prior to proceeding with implementation of the decision.
  4. The responsible administrator shall summarize the final decision in writing to the employee, in accordance with the Policy 403.0 - Disciplinary Action, and a copy shall be forwarded to Human Resources Employee Records. If the decision is that the employee is to be suspended without pay or discharged, this written notice shall include the specific reason(s) for the action and notice to the employee of the right to appeal the action through the Staff Dispute Resolution Procedure.

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