Policy Number: |
Effective Date: |
August 01, 1993
Last Revised Date: |
October, 2024
Applies To: |
Classified Staff, Appointed Personnel, University Staff, Students
Responsible Units: | |
Status: |
Reference: |
Classified Staff Human Resources Policy Manual 216.0
University Handbook for Appointed Personnel 8.04.06
Student Employment Manual 118.0
University Staff Manual 3-104
Purpose and Summary
The University of Arizona (University) complies with the federal Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) of 1993, as amended, and all implementing regulations.
This Policy applies to all University employees, including student workers and Graduate Assistants/Associates, who meet the definition of Eligible Employee.
Eligible Employee means a University employee who:
- Has been employed by the University for at least 12 months; and
- Has worked at least 1,250 hours during the 12-month period immediately preceding the start of the FMLA leave.
The 12 months of University employment is cumulative and encompasses all employment categories in which an Eligible Employee has been employed. Separate periods of employment with a break in service of less than 7 years will be counted cumulatively. Fulfillment of a National Guard or Reserve military service obligation is not considered a break in service for this purpose.
Only hours actually worked are counted toward the 1,250-hour criterion; paid and unpaid absences are not counted. However, employees who return from fulfilling a National Guard or Reserve military obligation will be credited with the hours of work they would have performed during the period of military service had they worked for the University during this time.
Leave Year means a rolling 12-month period measured backward from the date the proposed FMLA leave is to begin.
Single 12-Month Period means the date of the first day the Eligible Employee begins to take FMLA leave to care for the covered service member and ends 12 months after that date.
There are separate entitlements for Basic Leave or Military Family Leave, as described below.
- Basic Leave Entitlement: An Eligible Employee may receive up to 12 workweeks of unpaid, job-protected leave in a Leave Year for one or more of these qualified reasons:
- The birth of a child and/or to bond with the child within one year of birth;
- The placement of a child with the employee for adoption or foster care and/or to bond with the child within one year of placement;
- The employee’s own serious health condition;
- The employee’s need to care for a spouse, child, or parent who has a serious health condition; or
- Any qualifying exigency arising out of the fact that the employee’s spouse, child, or parent is a covered military member on covered active duty.
- Military Family Leave Entitlement: The University will provide up to 26 workweeks of unpaid, job-protected FMLA leave during a Single 12-Month Period for qualifying employees who need to care for a spouse, child, parent, or next of kin who is a covered service member with a serious injury or illness.
FMLA leave for this reason is applied on a per-covered-service-member, per-injury basis; however, no more than 26 workweeks of FMLA leave may be taken within a Single 12-Month Period.
Use of Paid Time During FMLA Leave
FMLA leave runs concurrently with any paid time off (sick time, vacation time, paid parental leave, compensatory time, compassionate transfer of leave) or disability/insurance plan payments (short-term disability, long-term disability, or workers’ compensation). For Eligible Employees who do not have available paid time off, then FMLA leave will be unpaid.
Effect on Benefits
Eligible Employees receiving pay during FMLA leave will have benefit premium deductions continue.
If the FMLA leave is unpaid, Eligible Employees will have the option to continue or decline benefits. Eligible Employees who continue benefits will be billed directly for the employee portion of the premiums.
University continuous service will accrue during the period of an FMLA leave.
Reinstatement/Return to Work
The Eligible Employee must either return to work on the first scheduled workday after the last day of approved FMLA leave or request additional leave on or before this date. An Eligible Employee who returns to work on or before the day FMLA leave expires must be reinstated either to the same position held prior to the leave or to an equivalent position.
If the FMLA leave was due to the Eligible Employee’s own serious health condition, a fitness for duty certification is required. In this case, the Eligible Employee must provide this certification completed by the health-care provider on or before the scheduled return-to-work date. The Eligible Employee’s return to work date will be delayed until the Eligible Employee submits the fitness-for-duty certification.
Eligible Employees are not entitled to reinstatement if their position would have terminated irrespective of their use of FMLA leave (due to reduction in force or a job end date to be effective before the FMLA leave ends).
An Eligible Employee who needs additional leave from work beyond the FMLA leave entitlement may request to use any remaining accrued paid time off or request an unpaid leave, subject to approval by the responsible administrator.
Reasonable Accommodation
Eligible Employees have the right to request a reasonable accommodation through the University’s Disability Resource Center for a disability under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) (as amended). The accommodation may include an extension of leave.
Voluntary Termination
Eligible Employees will be considered to have voluntarily resigned from their position if:
- Either during or at the end of FMLA leave, they inform their supervisor that they do not intend to work.
- They do not return to work at the end of FMLA leave, unless they have already requested and been approved to take (a) any remaining paid leave time off; (b) an unpaid leave; or (c) extended leave as a reasonable accommodation.
Compliance and Responsibilities
Requesting Leave
An Eligible Employee must apply for FML by following the leave of absence process.
Human Resources is responsible for approving eligibility for the leave and keeping he leave paperwork on file.
Eligible Employees and supervisors are encouraged to consult with Human Resources for assistance with the leave process and to ensure compliance with applicable regulations.
All medical certifications and related FMLA leave documentation will be maintained as confidential medical records in separate files, apart from employee personnel files.
Retaliation or Interference
Federal law and the University prohibit adverse action or retaliation against an Eligible Employee who elects to take FMLA leave. Supervisors are prohibited from interfering with an Eligible Employee’s ability to take FMLA leave. Employees who are concerned about retaliation or interference are encouraged to contact Human Resources.
Frequently Asked Questions
Revision History
10/31/2024: Non-substantive revisions made throughout to bring Policy current to the University FML request leave process.
08/22/2024: Updated link leave of absence request form.
10/12/2023: Updated HR email address.
09/29/2023: Updated to reflect gender neutral pronouns.
03/01/2023: "Division of Human Resources" changed to "Human Resources."
01/23/2020: Non-substantive updates to forms and links in Related Information section.
10/2014: Revised.