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Education Leave

Policy Information

PDF version
Last Revised Date: 
May, 2015
Policy Number: 
UHAP 8.04.05
Responsible Unit: 
Office of the Provost


Employees with continuing status may be granted leave without pay for a period of up to one year in order to obtain additional education and training. They may subsequently request an extension for up to a full second year.

  1. Leave without pay for educational purposes must be authorized by the Provost. Such leave will be authorized only when in the best interest of the University.
  2. Evidence must be provided that any educational or training course included in the proposed leave project has been or can be arranged.
  3. Part-time paid employment, scholarships, or fellowships may be accepted during such leave, provided they are compatible with the leave project and are approved in advance. Should an opportunity for such supplemental compensation develop after the leave has been approved or begun, the University's approval must be sought at the earliest opportunity.
  4. Applications for leave without pay must be filed at least six months in advance of the proposed starting date. Applications may be withdrawn without prejudice to later application, provided reasonable notice is given. Application for extension must be made at least 30 days in advance of the expiration of the initial leave.
  5. An employee may terminate a leave without pay in mid-term and resume paid employment only with the Provost's agreement.
  6. No later than two months following the end of a leave without pay, the employee shall file a concise report with the dean or director, for transmittal to the appropriate vice president and/or the Provost. The report is to indicate clearly whether or not the intended objectives were obtained.
  7. During an employee's leave without pay, the employee may continue their health benefits for six months by paying both the employer and employee cost of any such benefits. Continuation of coverage after six months is available through the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA). (See Chapter 10, Benefits.)
  8. The period of a leave without pay will not count toward an employee's retirement benefits.

Revision History*

5/10/2023 - Replaced gender specific pronouns with gender neutral pronouns.

* Please note that sections titled Frequently Asked Questions, Sources, Related Information, and Revision History are provided solely for the convenience of users and are not part of the official University policy.

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