On-Call (Standby) Status and Call-Back Status

Effective Date:
July 01, 2009
Last Revised Date:
January, 2020
Applies To:
Classified Staff, University Staff
Responsible Units:
University Staff Manual 4-101
Classified Staff Manual 319.0


Nonexempt employees may be required to be available and/or to work outside the regular schedule. The two types of status and pay related to those circumstances are On-Call (Standby) and Call-Back.

Exempt employees are paid a salary that reflects the full responsibility of the position, including being on-call or being called back to work, and are not eligible to receive On-Call or Call-Back pay.

On-Call (Standby) Status

On-Call (Standby) status is a designated shift within any 24 consecutive hours. Such shifts may vary in beginning and ending times from department to department, and are subject to change by administrative decision as dictated by workload needs. On-Call shift hours usually coincide with regular shift hours. Any staff employee may be assigned to an On-Call status, which requires the employee to be accessible, available, and able to report for duty if called.

Department Heads are responsible for determining the need for On-Call availability and for assigning employees to On-Call status. The supervisor of the employee assigned to On-Call status shall maintain a roster of all qualified employees who may be required to be On-Call. An equitable rotation policy shall be followed in requiring employees to be On-Call.

On-Call (Standby) Pay

On-Call pay may be provided at $5 or $10 per assigned On-Call shift. The employing department will choose a single level of On-Call pay that will be provided to all non-exempt employees in On-Call Status.

Call-Back Status

When an employee is called back to work at any time not previously scheduled, the employee is in Call-Back status.

Call-Back Pay

A nonexempt employee who is called back to work from On-Call status or otherwise at a time not previously scheduled shall receive Call-Back pay as follows:

  1. A minimum of two (2) hours pay at time and one-half the regular hourly pay rate, even when the time actually spent back on the job is less than two (2) hours.
  2. Pay for actual hours worked at time and one-half the regular hourly pay rate, if hours worked exceeds two (2).

Actual hours worked for Call-Back purposes means only that time spent at the worksite. Time spent en route to or from the worksite is not included as time worked.

Compensatory time off may be used in lieu of pay for Call-Back time worked in accordance with University overtime policies.

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