Effective Date: |
May 19, 2017
Last Revised Date: |
December, 2022
Applies To: |
Classified Staff, Appointed Personnel, University Staff
Responsible Units: | |
Status: |
Reference: |
University Staff Manual 3-111
Purpose and Summary
The University of Arizona (University) observes an annual scheduled period of University closure for the day after the Thanksgiving holiday and the days between the Christmas holidays and the New Year's holiday. The President or the President’s designee may identify certain buildings and/or areas that will be exempt from the University Closure based on a business need to remain open.
When the University is closed, most employees do not report to work, however, eligible employees will receive paid University closure time.
This Policy applies to all full benefits-eligible employees.
- Full-Benefits-Eligible Employees
- University employees who are full-benefits eligible and are scheduled to work on a fiscal-year schedule will receive paid University closure time for the day after the Thanksgiving holiday and between the Christmas holidays and the New Year's holiday. To receive University closure time for the day after the Thanksgiving holiday, employees must be in an approved paid status on the both the last scheduled workday before and first scheduled workday after that holiday. To receive University closure time for winter closure, employees must be in an approved paid status on both the last scheduled workday before the Christmas Eve holiday and the first scheduled workday after the New Year’s holiday.
- Those employees required to work during University closure shall report regular work hours and shall arrange with their supervisor to take holiday and University closure hours before the end of the fiscal year.
- Academic-Year Faculty
- Faculty on academic-year appointments are not scheduled to work during the academic break, so their compensation is not affected by the University closure between the Christmas holiday and the New Year’s holiday. Their rate of pay is unrelated to any additional effort outside of the notice of appointment and is not subject to reduction because of the University winter closure.
- Faculty who are full benefits-eligible and on academic-year appointments shall receive paid University closure time for the day after the Thanksgiving holiday.
- Student Workers (Student Groups B, C, and D)
- Student workers do not report hours and are not paid during the University closure. The supervisor may authorize additional work hours prior to the University closure, within the guidelines for student workers to offset the unpaid time when the University is closed. Supervisory authorization to work such additional hours shall be based on the nature of the student worker's job and the unit's need to have the extra hours of work performed.
- Graduate Assistants/Associates
- Graduate Assistants/Associates (GAs) on an academic-year appointment are not scheduled to work the day after the Thanksgiving holiday or during the academic break, so their regular pay is not affected by the University closure. Their rate of pay is unrelated to any additional effort outside of the notice of appointment and is not subject to reduction because of the University closure. GAs who need to work the day after the Thanksgiving holiday or during the academic break are paid on supplemental compensation. They do not report hours and are not paid during the University closure.
- Non-Benefits Eligible and Limited-Benefits-Eligible Employees
- Employees who are not benefits-eligible or are eligible for limited benefits may use excused unpaid absence if they would be scheduled to work during the University closure periods. Based on business need, supervisors may authorize these employees to work additional hours prior to the University closure periods to offset the unpaid time when the University is closed.
Compliance and Responsibilities
The Human Resources is responsible for compliance with this Policy.
Frequently Asked Questions
Refer to the Human Resources comprehensive list of FAQs for additional information.
Revision History
12/01/2023: Updated responsible unit email address.
03/01/2023: Replaced Division of Human Resources with Human Resources.
12/08/2022: this revision includes:
1. the designation of the day after the Thanksgiving holiday as a University closure day beginning in 2023.
1/27/2020: Revised.
10/14/2002: This policy replaces University Closure Compensation.